+971 4 8855 789 revolt@eim.ae

Your energy management partner


Material Handling

We provide industry tailored DC power solutions from manufacturing facilities to distribution centers seeking top tier efficient operational goal. Hence the motive power solution has to be industry best in order to support the operational effectiveness principle.

Beyond materials handling solutions(supply, leasing, maintaining,…); we provide the appropriate DC power solutions to operate the materials for best service excellence delivery and optimum cost benefit asset usage.

No Matter how big or specific your application is, we will recommend the top DC power system to support your need and achieve your objectives.

We enable our customers to keep things moving at will, especially the inventory.

Airline ground support

For airports and airline operators, ground support, moving materials should be available 24h/365 days for a non stop operation which is vital & critical.

Tow baggage & cargo tractors, belt loader, cargo forklifts etc. must be dependable as they are critical in any airport’s overall operation.

Any downtime, DC power failure means the operator can't do his time-sensitive job as required. Such inefficiency in non available DC power are having consequences on quality service delivered. '

Airport flight operation bottle-neck means often cause flights delay, lost or late delivered luggage, which lead to passengers inconvenience: ground support fleets operated by DC power bank play a critical role in enabling the airport operation to run smoothly around the clock.

Right DC power management solution will enable a Ground support fleet to be a well oiled tool at the service of the Airports and Airlines operators.


Nowadays telecommunications industries has evolved where data transfer is a 24h/365 days non stop flow worth billions.

Any breach in service can be very costly to the user and more important to the Telecom service provider.

Outage happens for non foreseen reasons, but most of the time you will be keen to have your reserve power taking the load and ensuring you are protected against an extended outage in the Telecommunication service delivered.

With our reserve power management services we will make sure you are protected and any gaps in services discontinuation due to power failure is taken care of and you will have peace of mind.

We provide industry comprehensive support (testing, monitoring, servicing) to your reserve power infrastructure through industry best practices and manufacturer recommended procedures.

Critical facility services

Facilities infrastructure for power critical mission must be faultless and hold steadfast against any potential power failure. Data Centers, Banks, Factories, Hospitals, Utilities productions and distributions hubs all have one thing in common: Any downtime will have disastrous consequences.
For Mission critical facilities an outage, be it for one hour or couple of days would account for direct loss in hundreds to several millions. For that reason all critical facilities would have a comprehensive back-up DC power solution.
For such back-up solutions to be 100% foolproof against any potential main power failure it must be:

  • Pro-actively maintained on continuous basis
  • To be under Total assets management services
  • To have a fail-safe turnkey solution with an experienced service provider.
We have the capabilities to handle all type of mission critical infrastructure needs, from pre-audit infrastructure assessments to online monitoring & servicing, commissioning (and decommissioning) service as well keeping in sight the best cost/benefit to our customers with 100% objective, ready DC reserve power.
To learn more bout our services for critical facilities infrastructure audit & maintenance programs get in touch with us for an obligation free assessment for your infrastructure.

Solar & renewal energy

Renewable energy like wind & solar produce energy when the wind is blowing or sun is shining. The technology limit to harvest resourceful power from sustainable energy would relay on how effective is the power bank in storage and supply of such energy.
With the right power bank infrastructure and top industry proactive maintenance programs, it would counterbalance the challenge of intermittent renewable energy harvesting & production. Here pre-emptive & proactive maintenance and servicing programs for the power bank make it a peak efficient source of sustainable energy. The right balance between production and distribution is leveled with the power bank storage. We understand any downtime in the link (especially storage power bank) will result in blackout or other cascading problems. Due to wind power drop or cloud fluctuation in output during the day from wind and solar energy, will disrupt the balance between total electric supply and demand.
Because of the intermittence and fluctuation of the energy in terms of shortfall or excess, we require more reserve power banks ready at all times to ensure the power remain balanced. We understand the future of renewable energy would see the reverse power play a critical role in the link between harvesting and usage of sustainable energy.
We have the right tools, process and know how to make your reserve power reactive and flexible with a 100% readiness in storing and supplying power at your demand and needs.